
My Real Self

When I read this post on Carly's blog, The College Prepster, I knew it would be something big and something many of us can relate to.  It is a known fact that many bloggers choose to feature the better/happier moments in their lives, but believe me, none of us have perfect, peachy lives every day.  We all face struggles, stress, a broken heart, a bad day, etc; however we often choose to feature the happier things in order not to bring our readers down--But, I want to change that.  Now I'm not saying that I am going to post about every bad thing that happens in my life, but I do want to be able to talk about more of all of my life; all of the ups and downs I face everyday.

Why am I doing this?  I think, just like Carly does, that it is important to be real: to let people know that your life is just that, life.  To start off sharing the real things about me, I am going to share my #MyRealSelfie. 

 My Real Self: 
Doesn't get enough sleep
Stresses out over everything 
Has pimples now and then
Has gotten grey hairs 
Loves the "little things"
Worries about pleasing everyone
Cannot get through the day without her cup of tea
Sings 24/7 (including humming, uncontrollably, in class)
Has trouble taking time to relax
Enjoys day dreaming

Our imperfections are what make us, us, and we should honor that!  After all, what is the point of being just like everyone else, when you can be uniquely you.  Don't ever let anyone tell you any different :)



  1. I love this post idea! It is so important to show that we all have what we feel are imperfections. Thanks for sharing your real self! :)

  2. I love it. This seems like a really great pursuit, that's sure to only make the blogs content more interesting :)

    -- Alex at Brainy Girls Beauty

  3. I loved this post by Carly as well! Even did my own little blurpit on it :) It's so important that we're more honest with ourselves and our peers about who the real "me" is. I've nominated you for the Liebster Award on my blog, even though I just recently discovered your blog I've already fallen in love with it!


  4. Aww. I love this post! This is so inspiring. I love this idea :)


  5. Great post Hunter! I love that so many bloggers are doing this since it shows that everyone has flaws!
    xo, Scarlett

  6. I love these posts, especially since we live in a world that promotes unattainable images and concepts of beauty (thanks photoshop!). Thanks for sharing... btw, you look beautiful in that selfie :)

    Ashley | History in High Heels

  7. Hunter, I just nominated you for the Liebster Award on my newest blog post . I really hope you'll check it out and respond on your blog. Thanks so much for your time, and congratulations!(http://poisedandpreppy.blogspot.com/2014/01/the-liebster-award.html)

    Poised and Preppy

  8. What an honest post. I definitely agree that often times we can hide the flaws and not share them in our blog so I respect your honesty! You are so beautiful inside and out Hunter!

  9. I really love seeing these real and true and honest posts. The blogging community is just too amazing and kind for words. Thank you for being another inspiration.

    xo, Kira

  10. Love this post Hunter!


  11. Thanks for this post :) So inspiring!

    AJ | TheAJMinute

  12. Awww I love this post, especially the honesty =)



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